Price & Market Projections

Price projection, market forecasts and price intelligence reports provided by us on the basis of market data as well as trade intelligence data. Since 1990s we have supported a range of industry sectors like Feedstocks, Chemicals, Petrochemicals, Commodity Polymers, Performance Polymers, Elastomers, Fibre Value Chain, Synthetic Fibres, Intermediates, Surfactants, Aromatics, Solvents etc, in taking decision related to production.

Price Projection reports are generated by the dedicated Data Analytis Team of IDS, which is independent division of our research team. The price projection report includes details of prices, margins and its projections for periods years ranging from two to ten years etc. Demand Forecast reports include details of prices, margins, capacity, demand and supply for the next five to ten years.

IDS price forecast report is useful in settling contract prices, reviewing one’s market position, making commercial decisions for production, buying or selling the product with assurance.