Market Butene-1 Market Overview
Market Butene-1 Market Overview
Butene-1 is an organic chemical which belongs to the category of alpha-olefins.
Global Butene-1 market size will increase US$ 5 billion from 2018 to US$ 6 billion in 2023, at a CAGR of 5.2% during the period 2018-2024.
Butene-1 used in the production of HDPE, LLDPE. It is also used to produce Valeraldehyde, Polybutene, Butadiene, Butylene Oxide, Maleic Anhydride and Secondary Butyl Alcohol (SBA).
North America is the largest producing as well as the largest consuming region of Butene-1 while Africa is smallest producing as well as consuming region.
Evonik Industries is the largest manufacturer of Butene-1. Other major players are SABIC, Shell Chemicals, ExxonMobil, Chevron Philips, Mitsui Chemicals, etc.
This report covers the global scenario on Butene-1 Industry, Region-wise Supply Demand Analysis and Future Demand Projections for Africa, South America, North America, Indian Subcontinent, North East Asia, China, South East Asia, Middle East, Europe and Australia. For the Indian scenario this report covers major producers, Supply, Demand, Market Drivers and Future Projection.